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Runway Safety and Maintenance


Roadgrip Indonesia is proud to announce its partnership with Moog Inc, leaders in actuation technology, sophisticated control electronics and systems software.


Roadgrip has been appointed as Moog’s partner in Indonesia within the airfield solutions division, and will be the exclusive distribution and installation partner in Indonesia for their Tarsier® Automatic Runway FOD Detection System.


Designed with the military precision and advanced digital signal processing, the Runway FOD Detection System scans for FOD (foreign object debris) on the airfield, such as aircraft parts, wildlife and litter including metal, plastic, rubber, glass and organic matter.


Using high-resolution, millimetre radar waves, the system accurately identifies runway debris and eliminates false alarms before alerting airport operators via live video feeds and an intuitive graphical display.


Unlike camera-only systems, these radars can continually detect debris during daylight or low-light at night, and in all weathers, including rain, snow, dense fog and even sandstorms.


The system’s core purpose is to improve the safety of the runway for aircraft.


As specialists in runway surface safety and maintenance, the Department of Trade recommended Roadgrip Indonesia as a trusted partner for Moog. Our experience working on projects in Jakarta and Lombok have not only contributed to airfield safety but also supported regeneration in the local Indonesian economy.


“We are proud to add this world-renowned solution to our portfolio of runway maintenance and safety services,” commented Raoul Pasaribu, Director or Roadgrip Asia. “This is a unique opportunity for both Roadgrip and Moog to continue improving safety in the Indonesian region.”


To find out more, please contact Raoul Pasaribu or visit Roadgrip Ltd – Airports Services.